May You Be Well, May You Be Happy: Eckhart Tolle Lovingkindness Meditation

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“Completeness and unity constitute our most fundamental nature as living beings,” writes Sharon Salzberg in her Lovingkindess book.

“No matter how wonderful or terrible our lives have been, no matter how many traumas and scars we may carry from the past, no matter what we have gone through or what we are suffering now, our intrinsic wholeness is always present, and we can recognize it,” she continues.

“This recognition breaks the spell of conventional thought. Surrendering our fixations, simply being happy, is like suddenly breaking free from confinement,” she adds. “This is the opening we have yearned for and looked for in so many places: in relationship, at work, and in society.” And this is what Eckhart Tolle, another spiritual teacher of immense wisdom, explores in his version of lovingkindness meditation, included in the audiobook The Journey Into Yourself.

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by Eckhart Tolle

May everybody on this planet be well and happy.

May everybody in this country be well and happy.

May everybody in this city be well and happy.

May everybody in this house be well and happy.

May I be well and happy.

Complement this Eckhart Tolle lovingkindness meditation from The Journey Into Yourself with our articles on how to practice lovingkindness meditation, 3 best books on lovingkindness by Sharon Salzberg, and 3 best Eckhart Tolle books on living in the present moment.

About the books’ authors:

Sharon Salzberg has played a crucial role in bringing meditation and mindfulness practices to the West and into mainstream culture since 1974 when she first began teaching. She is the co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA and the author of Lovingkindness and Love Your Enemies.

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher who conveys simple wisdom that transcends any particular religion, doctrine, or guru. A native of Germany, Eckhart Tolle attended the University of London, and upon graduation went on to become a research scholar and supervisor at Cambridge University. At 29, a profound spiritual awakening virtually dissolved his personal identity and sparked a radical change in the course of his life. It marked the beginning of an intense inward journey and he devoted the next decade to understanding, deepening, and integrating that transformation. He’s the author of The Power of NowStillness Speaks, and A New Earth.

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