Mindful Spot Favorite Quote for July 8, 2024

Mindful Spot Favorite Quote for July 8, 2024

After moving to a new place, I’m occasionally blessed to observe a stray cat lurking about in the yard. I don’t know where it comes from, its real name, and whether it cares that I care, all I know is that this adorable creature warms my heart and brings smile to my face. I call … Read more

Confucius on a Key Principle of a Good Life

Over the past few days, I’ve been reading The Analects by Confucius. The reason I love this book is its ability to constantly remind us how to live a good life. In particular, I would like to share one key principle that has the power to improve our personal and professional relationships. But to be … Read more

How Can I Teach My Friend to Meditate?

How Can I Teach My Friend to Meditate?

How can I teach my friend to meditate? If you’re asking yourself this question, it’s finally happened. Your friend saw you meditating and wants to learn how to do it. This can be both an exciting and scary moment in your friendship. On the one hand, you’re glad your friend showed interest in your spiritual … Read more