When was the last time you felt genuinely connected: to the world, to other people, and even to yourself?
You’re not alone if this question goes under the skin. The sad fact is we’re so distracted, we’re no longer present in the world in which we live. On average, our minds are lost in thought almost 47% of the time — that’s half of our waking lives spent ruminating on the past and being anxious about the future. What can we do about it?
Andy Puddicombe’s fantastic TEDx talk shows us a way out through what he calls “headspace”: The capacity to cultivate moments of spaciousness, notice our thoughts, and see them from a distance without judgment. It’s the perfect way to motivate your meditation practice — enjoy.
We can’t change every little thing that happens to us in life, but we can change the way that we experience it. That’s the potential of meditation and mindfulness. — Andy Puddicombe
Puddicombe’s new book, Get Some Headspace: 10 Minutes Can Make All The Difference will become one of the best assets on your meditation journey. I’ve previously covered this book in my guide on how to practice walking meditation in everyday life.
I’m a freelance writer and mindfulness advocate behind this blog. What you see here is the combination of my three favorite things: reading, writing, and mindfulness. While you’re here, subscribe to my blog updates and gain access to free mindfulness resources for stress relief.