In 2014, I felt frustrated because nothing I did or achieved brought lasting satisfaction. To top it off, my body started to fail me: debilitating headaches and back pain became my constant companions. One day, I thought, “If I feel this bad now, what will happen to me in five or ten years?”
One of my friends suggested yoga as a supplement for my treatment, and I gave it a try. To my surprise, all the stretches and unusual body poses felt amazing for my body. But something else happened during that time. At the end of each class, we practiced a relaxing body scan. Our teacher would instruct us to slowly feel each part of the body to release tension in the muscles. While engaged in this activity, I noticed that I was completely present. I wasn’t thinking about my problems or what I had to do that day. I shared this experience with the group, and they said that I should try meditation. And I did.
That was the beginning of a daily practice that would forever change the way I saw the world, other people, and, more importantly, myself. The inner transformation that took place as I sat silently on my meditation cushion was simple yet profound … Click HERE to read this post as a FREE Patreon member.