One Simple Mindset Shift That Will Help You Forgive Your Enemies (Free Patreon Members Only)

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Some people will never change their opinion of you, no matter what you do.

Does that mean you should give up and let yourself be stuck in endless cycles of bitterness and animosity? Your inability to forgive can undermine not only your existing relationships, but also your ability to form new ones.

It gets even worse if avoiding someone is not an option. Imagine forcing yourself to deal with those you hate and pretend like everything is fine day in day out. “Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busybody, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial,” Marcus Aurelius wrote in his meditation on choosing compassion over competition. But what if I told you that you can find an easy way to forgive your enemies, even when it’s a generous one-sided endeavor on your part? The mindset shift I’m talking about … Click HERE to read this post as a FREE Patreon member.