10 Best Healthline Articles on Stress Management (2024 Top Picks)

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Healthline covers all facets of physical and mental health openly and objectively because it’s here for the whole person — for your whole life.

And because people come to it with unique challenges, it listens closely and puts empathy first across the organization. In everything from their personal perspectives to their commitment to inclusivity, you’ll see that they feel with you.

In this article, I offer you 10 best Healthline articles on stress management, along with my favorite quotes.

1. “Stress Symptoms: Physical Effects of Stress and How to Treat”

Severe stress can cause symptoms that include fatigue and insomnia. You can also experience physical effects like headaches and acne.

Click here to read the article “Stress Symptoms: Physical Effects of Stress and How to Treat”.

2. “The Effects of Stress on Your Body”

Stress hormones … trigger your body’s “fight or flight” response. Your heart races, your breath quickens, and your muscles ready for action.

This response was designed to protect your body in an emergency by preparing you to react quickly. But when the stress response keeps firing, day after day, it could put your health at serious risk.

Click here to read the article “The Effects of Stress on Your Body”.

3. “Recovering from Chronic Stress: Actionable Strategies”

Stress that persists too long (chronic stress) could lead to a stress feedback loop, where psychological stress causes physical symptoms, and physical symptoms may intensify psychological stress.

While stress is a natural part of life, managing it effectively can prevent and remedy long-term health effects.

Click here to read the article “Recovering from Chronic Stress: Actionable Strategies”.

4. “Acute Stress Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis”

In the weeks after a traumatic event, you may develop an anxiety disorder called acute stress disorder (ASD).

ASD typically occurs within one month of a traumatic event. It lasts at least three days and can persist for up to one month. People with ASD have symptoms similar to those seen in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Click here to read the article “Acute Stress Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis”.

5. “Acute vs. Chronic Stress: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options”

Acute stress is the stress you feel as the direct result of a specific situation or event. For instance, it’s acute stress when you’re running late for an appointment and begin to feel symptoms of stress such as anxiety and difficulty focusing.

Chronic stress is the result of stress that builds up from repeated exposure to stressful situations and the hormones your body releases during each stressful episode. Many things can lead to chronic stress, including factors such as difficult relationships, job demands, and financial concerns.

Click here to read the article “Acute vs. Chronic Stress: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options”.

6. “Emotional Stress: Symptoms and Signs”

Your emotions can indicate when you’re under too much stress. For example, feeling irritable or overwhelmingly fearful can be signs of stress, as well as atypical changes in mood.

Click here to read the article “Emotional Stress: Symptoms and Signs”.

7. “Stress and Weight Gain: An Unhealthy Connection”

Excess stress can lead to an increase in weight.

And whether the extra weight is a result of overeating and unhealthy food choices, or your body’s response to increased levels of cortisol, getting a handle on stress is a priority if you want to prevent stress-related weight gain.

Click here to read the article “Stress and Weight Gain: An Unhealthy Connection”.

8. “How to Use Exercise as a Stress Reliever”

Exercising regularly can help reduce your stress levels, improve your health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Click here to read the article “How to Use Exercise as a Stress Reliever”.

9. “Nine Ways Stress is More Dangerous Than You Think”

The accumulated stresses of everyday life can damage your health in irreversible ways — from early aging to heart problems to long-term disability.

Click here to read the article “Nine Ways Stress is More Dangerous Than You Think”.

10. “17 Ways to Eliminate Stress in 5, 10, and 30 Minutes”

Stretching, using essential oils, scanning your body for muscular tension, and foam rolling are just a few of the many ways to relieve stress quickly. Working with a healthcare professional if these strategies don’t work is highly advised.

Click here to read the article “17 Ways to Eliminate Stress in 5, 10, and 30 Minutes”.

Complement this list of best stress management articles from Healthline with Mindfulness for Stress Management: 50 Ways to Improve Your Mood and Cultivate Calmness by Dr. Robert Schachter and then revisit Healthline articles on meditation and why you should read Mindful America by Jeff Wilson.

10 Best Healthline Articles on Stress Management (2024 Top Picks)